Our Chamber serves as a change leader, and supports economic prosperity and unity among partner organizations and various government agencies throughout our parish and region.

Our Chamber is the “Voice of Business,” dedicated not only to promoting and supporting business development, but also to representing our business community at local, state and federal levels. With 1,000 member businesses, representing more than 37,000 employees, our energies are focused on working with the business community in the area of smart growth planning, transportation infrastructure, insurance issues, property taxes, workforce development, housing and more. We continue to facilitate and open avenues of discussion among elected, civic and business leaders to make optimum use of the inherent strengths and opportunities within reach.

Our Advocacy and Public Policy Committee is the working group of this operation. They keep a watchful eye on the big picture when it comes to Louisiana politics and notify the Chamber Board when a specific position needs to be taken. Members monitor business-related legislation at the local, state, and federal levels and gauge its possible effects on the business community. This committee also offers members a unique opportunity to meet with elected officials who are often guest speakers at meetings.


St. Tammany CHAMBERPAC is a nonpartisan political action committee working to increase voter turnout; identify and recruit qualified candidates to run for office at the local and state levels; and importantly, endorse pro-business political candidates who support the free enterprise system, freedom from unnecessary government regulation, and quality of life in our region. Formed in 2015 from the St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce, the CHAMBERPAC is a separate entity from the Chamber and is designed to be aligned in mission with the Chamber. Therefore, in order to be a member of the CHAMBERPAC, one must have a business interest in the region and be an active member in good standing with the Chamber. Visit StTammanyCHAMBERPAC.org for more information and to join.

New Law to Reduce State Workforce Shortages

Chamber CEO Lacey Osborne was among the representatives from business organizations across the state at the State Capitol to witness Gov. Landry’s signing of SB 293. This groundbreaking bill emphasizes the importance of coordination among a variety of agencies by establishing that the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) coordinates the delivery of business workforce solutions through…

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Assessor Updates APP Committee on Property Tax

Property tax reassessment was a topic of conversation at the recent Advocacy and Public Policy Committee meeting. Beginning in tax year 2024, all real property is to be valued as of January 1, 2023. St. Tammany Parish Assessor Louis Fitzmorris and Troy Dugas discussed their assessment policies and procedures with APP members to accomplish this,…

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Legislators Discuss 2024 Regular Session

The audience at our 2024 Legislative Wrap-Up Luncheon was fully engaged in the session updates provided by our Northshore delegation, including Senators Patrick McMath, Bob Owen and Bill Wheat and Representatives Kim Carver, Brian Glorioso, Stephanie Berault, Peter Egan and Mark Wright. Together, these members along with Senator Beth Mizell were instrumental in the passing…

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Supporting the Northshore

Chamber and St. Tammany leaders gathered at our State Capitol for Northshore Focus, a collaborative effort dedicated to fostering economic growth and enhancing regional connectivity. The initiative was a partnership with the Tangipahoa Chamber and Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce. Together, we wanted to show our collective support to our Northshore legislators and remind them…

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Capitol Visit Strengthens Relationships

Our CEO Lacey Osborne and Vice President Michelle Biggs spent time at the Capitol with our legislators strengthening our relationships and showing our support. Their visit included meeting with Representatives Kim Carver, Jay Galle, Peter Egan, Stephanie Berault and Brian Glorioso and with Deputy Chief Larry Frieman of Louisiana Department of Justice.

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Washington Mardi Gras Luncheon Benefits Louisiana Charity

Our Chamber CEO recently traveled to Monroe to participate in their Chamber’s congressional update luncheon featuring Sen. John Kennedy, where she participated in the presentation of a $182,425 check to officials from the Boys and Girls Club of Louisiana. The funds were raised from proceeds remaining from the annual Economic Development Luncheon at Washington Mardi…

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New LED Secretary Talks Transition

More than 100 business leaders from throughout our 10-parish region, including our CEO Lacey Osborne, gathered at Greater New Orleans, Inc. to hear Northshore’s own Susan Bonnet Bourgeois talk about her first 60 days in office as Gov. Landry’s new Louisiana Secretary of Economic Development. She discussed the leadership transition, implementation of changes (including department…

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Legislators Meet with APP Committee

Senator Patrick McMath and representatives Brian Glorioso, Kim Carver and Stephanie Berault made time in their busy schedule to meet with our Advocacy and Public Policy (APP) Committee to discuss their upcoming plans for the legislative session which begin March 11. Bills on transportation, healthcare, education and insurance were included in the discussions. All agreed…

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DA Candidates Discuss Issues

Vincent Wynne and Collin Sims participated in our District Attorney Candidate Forum moderated by Andy Canulette, editor of The St. Tammany Farmer and The Tammany Picayune. They are vying to win the remainder of the term of 22nd Judicial District Attorney Warren Montgomery, who passed away in November. Sims is the interim District Attorney. •Click…

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Chamber Well Represented at Washington Mardi Gras

Members of the St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce, including business, civic and elected leaders from across St. Tammany, traveled to Washington Mardi Gras to represent the fourth-largest parish in Louisiana. At the request of Senator Kennedy, the St. Tammany Chamber co-hosted the Economic Development Luncheon with the Monroe Chamber with nearly 900 elected, business, economic…

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Meet the Candidates 2023

With early voting taking place now through Saturday, October 7, and the election less than two weeks away on Saturday, October 14, we are sharing the following informative election resource links. •Click here to your specific ballot or find your polling location •Click here to view our recordings with candidates for parish president, parish council,…

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